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1 Aquaculture Reimagined: Modern Approaches to Sustainable Fish Farming Aquaculture Marketing and Supply Chain Management Liton Paul, Yateesh D.C., Anurag Singh, Chandani Dave and Gitashree Thengal PDF Edit Delete
2 Aquaculture Reimagined: Modern Approaches to Sustainable Fish Farming Women in Aquaculture: Driving Change and Empowerment Anurag Singh, Liton Paul, Yateesh D.C., Gitashree Thengal and Anjali Sharma PDF Edit Delete
3 Aquaculture Reimagined: Modern Approaches to Sustainable Fish Farming Gender Perspectives in Integrated Water Resource Management Sourav Debnath and Shivaji Argade PDF Edit Delete
4 Aquaculture Reimagined: Modern Approaches to Sustainable Fish Farming Education and Training: Building Capacity in Aquaculture Trishna Biswal, Shivam Pawar and Sanee Chauhan PDF Edit Delete
5 Aquaculture Reimagined: Modern Approaches to Sustainable Fish Farming Empowering Sustainability in Aquaculture: The Impact of NGOs Gitashree Thengal, Anurag Singh and Liton Paul PDF Edit Delete
6 Aquaculture Reimagined: Modern Approaches to Sustainable Fish Farming Papaya Power: Growth Promotion and Sex Reversal Yaqoota Maqbool, Ningthoujam Chaoba Devi, Muntasir Ashraf Wani, Satyam, Janmejay Parhi and Anindya Sundar Barman PDF Edit Delete
7 Aquaculture Reimagined: Modern Approaches to Sustainable Fish Farming Water Quality Management: Precision and Practice Partha Sarathi Roy PDF Edit Delete
8 Aquaculture Reimagined: Modern Approaches to Sustainable Fish Farming Advanced Technologies for Effluent Water Treatment in Aquaculture: Advancing Environmental Sustainability and Pollution Mitigation Ganesh Kumar, Jebarson Solomon, Priyadharshini, Sudhanshu Raman, Girija Saurabh Behere, Tanuj Misra and Savaliya Bhautik PDF Edit Delete
9 Aquaculture Reimagined: Modern Approaches to Sustainable Fish Farming Environmental Impact Assessments: Ensuring Sustainability Preeti Maurya and Anamika Akarsh PDF Edit Delete
10 Aquaculture Reimagined: Modern Approaches to Sustainable Fish Farming Pollution from Anthropogenic Sources: Challenges for Sustainable Aquaculture in Aquatic Ecosystems Muthumannan Vishal, Jebarson Solomon, Ganesh Kumar, Priyadharshini, Sudhanshu Raman and Girija Saurabh Behere PDF Edit Delete
11 Aquaculture Reimagined: Modern Approaches to Sustainable Fish Farming Ferulic Acid: A Key Player in Enhancing Growth and Immunity in Fish Sourav Bhadra, MD Aklakur, Subam Debroy and Udipta Roy PDF Edit Delete
12 Aquaculture Reimagined: Modern Approaches to Sustainable Fish Farming Aquaponics: Advanced System for Sustainable Aquaculture Production Udipta Roy, Rida Riyaz, MD Aklakur, Sourav Bhadra and Subam Debroy PDF Edit Delete
13 Aquaculture Reimagined: Modern Approaches to Sustainable Fish Farming Integrated Fish Farming: Fish and Poultry Integration for Better Income MD Aklakur, Subam Debroy, Sourav Bhadra, MD Imran Shah, Manjulesh Pai and Udipta Roy PDF Edit Delete
14 Aquaculture Reimagined: Modern Approaches to Sustainable Fish Farming Microbial and Single-Cell Ingredients: The Future of Fish Feed T. Bhuvaneshwaran PDF Edit Delete
15 Aquaculture Reimagined: Modern Approaches to Sustainable Fish Farming Genetic Improvement: Breeding for Better Aquaculture Ningthoujam Chaoba Devi, Yaqoota Maqbool, Satyam, Sumit Mallick, Janmejay Parhi and Sagar Chandra Mandal PDF Edit Delete
16 Aquaculture Reimagined: Modern Approaches to Sustainable Fish Farming Biotechnology in Aquaculture: Unlocking Potential Supratim Malla and Suraj Kumar PDF Edit Delete
17 Aquaculture Reimagined: Modern Approaches to Sustainable Fish Farming Fish, Tech and Future: The Role of Automation and Digital Tools for Sustainable Tomorrow Guntapalli Sravani, Kurapati Nagendrasai, Uppalanchi Prasannalaxmi, Akamad Kamil D. and Chundru Sri Sai Venkat PDF Edit Delete
18 Aquaculture Reimagined: Modern Approaches to Sustainable Fish Farming Climate Smart Aquaculture: Best Practices and Innovations Rishika, M.S. PDF Edit Delete
19 Aquaculture Reimagined: Modern Approaches to Sustainable Fish Farming Technological Innovations: Revolutionizing Aquaculture Hiranmoy Dhara, Sukalpa Mandal, Srinibas Das and Surya Kanta Sau PDF Edit Delete
20 Integrated Pest Management: Advancement, Adoption and Ecological Challenges Sustainable Pest Management Using Modern Tools and Techniques Asish Kumar Rout*, V Anithaa, Anup Chandra, G.K Sujayanand, Mohammed Muzeruddin Baig and Sunil Kumar Sunani PDF Edit Delete
21 Current Trends in the Diagnosis and Management of Plant Diseases Alien Invasive Weeds of North Eastern States of India: Ecology, Distribution and Management Pranab Dutta, Samaritan Dutta, Madhusmita Mahanta, Munni Das, K.C. Puzari PDF Edit Delete
22 Current Trends in the Diagnosis and Management of Plant Diseases Exploring the Role of Volatile Organic Compounds of Trichoderma in Plant Health Management Madhusmita Mahanta, Pranab Dutta, Tanjil Rahman, Tharringwon Marchang Ningshen PDF Edit Delete
23 Current Trends in the Diagnosis and Management of Plant Diseases Role of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria in Disease Management Bandana Hijam, Oinam Washington Singh PDF Edit Delete
24 Current Trends in the Diagnosis and Management of Plant Diseases Exploiting Nanotechnology for Plant Pathogen Detection and Management Sangeetha, C.G., N. Jhansirani, Rajeswari R., Manjunath Hubballi PDF Edit Delete
25 Current Trends in the Diagnosis and Management of Plant Diseases Biointensive Management of Bacterial Blight of Rice Pranamika Sharma, Gunadhya Kumar Upamanya PDF Edit Delete
26 Current Trends in the Diagnosis and Management of Plant Diseases Biological Control of Soil-Borne Pathogens Tharringwon Marchang Ningshen, Pranab Dutta, Madhusmita Mahanta, Lydia Vanlaltani, Harshit Singh PDF Edit Delete
27 Current Trends in the Diagnosis and Management of Plant Diseases Host-Microbe Interplay to Exhibit Immune Response against the Phytopathogens Alinaj Yasin, Pranab Dutta PDF Edit Delete
28 Current Trends in the Diagnosis and Management of Plant Diseases Advances in Fungal Disease Management: the Role of Succinate Dehydrogenase Inhibitors (SDHIs) Gunadhya Kumar Upamanya, Pranamika Sharma PDF Edit Delete
29 Current Trends in the Diagnosis and Management of Plant Diseases Mycotoxin Menace in Stored Agricultural Commodities Shinee De, Ayan Pramanik PDF Edit Delete
30 Current Trends in the Diagnosis and Management of Plant Diseases Exploring Genetic Resistance for Sustainable Management of Blast Disease in Rice Hrishikesh Ojah, Shazmira Zaman, Nabajyoti Bhuyan PDF Edit Delete
31 Current Trends in the Diagnosis and Management of Plant Diseases Integrated Disease Management: Concepts and Applications Tanjil Rahman, Madhusmita Mahanta, Dorodi Priyom Duarah, Anjumoni Devee PDF Edit Delete
32 Current Trends in the Diagnosis and Management of Plant Diseases Use of RNAi in Plant Disease Management Bandana Hijam, Oinam Washington Singh PDF Edit Delete
33 Current Trends in the Diagnosis and Management of Plant Diseases Plant Disease Detection: Current Scenario, Emerging Challenges and Technology Advancement B. Khamari PDF Edit Delete
34 Enhancing Crop Resilience: Advances in Climate Smart Crop Production Technologies Biological Control: A Potential Tool for Pest Management under Changing Climatic Conditions M. Siva, K. Saravanakumari, M. Nivedha, P.S. Saranya, D.S. Srimahesvari, P.Yazhini, E.Santhoshinii, D. Shanmugapriya PDF Edit Delete
35 Enhancing Crop Resilience: Advances in Climate Smart Crop Production Technologies Advances in Biofortification of Vegetables to Combat Malnutrition Chandni, B.C. Anu, Jaya Kiran, Abhinav Dubey and Arun Kishor PDF Edit Delete
36 Enhancing Crop Resilience: Advances in Climate Smart Crop Production Technologies Post Harvest Technologies for Enhancing the Profitability of Farming Communities Priya Uday Shinde and Pravin Dadarao Dalavi PDF Edit Delete
37 Enhancing Crop Resilience: Advances in Climate Smart Crop Production Technologies Transformation in Soil Properties under Changing Climate: Impacts and Dynamics Kavita Kumari*, Alka Rani, Rituparna Mandal, Annie Poonam and Anjani Kumar PDF Edit Delete
38 Enhancing Crop Resilience: Advances in Climate Smart Crop Production Technologies Menace of Fruit Flies and its Eco-Friendly Management Practices using Several Modern Techniques Satyabrata Sarangi, S. D. Mohapatra, Guru P. Pandi G, P. Bhavana, Swagatika Sahoo, Prabhu Prasanna Pradhan and Suman Samilita Dash PDF Edit Delete
39 Enhancing Crop Resilience: Advances in Climate Smart Crop Production Technologies Millets' Role in Addressing Malnutrition and Ensuring Food Security in a Changing Climate Piyush Kankarwal, Swetha Priya Gali, Paulin, R. Meenatchi and Pratibha Singh PDF Edit Delete
40 Enhancing Crop Resilience: Advances in Climate Smart Crop Production Technologies Host Plant Resistance under Changing Climatic Scenario: Improvement and Exploration for Climate Smart Pest Management Sabyasachi Ray and A. Banerjee PDF Edit Delete
41 Enhancing Crop Resilience: Advances in Climate Smart Crop Production Technologies Modern Approaches for Extracting Plant Bioactive Compounds to Enhance Food Security Sumit Bhausaheb Urhe, Abhinav Dubey, Guru P. N., Shrikrishna Nishani PDF Edit Delete
42 Enhancing Crop Resilience: Advances in Climate Smart Crop Production Technologies Management of Invasive Rugose Spiraling Whitefly, Aleurodicus rugioperculatus (Martin) through Insect Parasitoids and Fungal Pathogens in Coconut Satyabrata Sarangi and Basavaraju, B. S. PDF Edit Delete
43 Enhancing Crop Resilience: Advances in Climate Smart Crop Production Technologies Smart Detection and Scientific Disinfestation Technologies for Food Grain Protection Guru P. N., Monika Sharma, Ruchika Zalpouri, Sumit Bhausaheb Urhe, Abhinav Dubey, Renu Balakrishnan, Saswat Anupam Maharana PDF Edit Delete
44 Enhancing Crop Resilience: Advances in Climate Smart Crop Production Technologies Transformative Roles of Information and Communication Technologies in Fostering Climate-Resilient Agriculture Pankaj Das, Trina Adhikary and Bulbul Ahmad PDF Edit Delete
45 Enhancing Crop Resilience: Advances in Climate Smart Crop Production Technologies Precision Farming: an Approach for Productivity and Resilience in Fruit Crops Mahabub Alam, Kiran Rathod, Tanmoy Mondal, Md. Abu Hasan PDF Edit Delete
46 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Biointensive Integrated Pest Management: A Sustainable Solution to Plant Health Deepshikha Thakur and Shalini Singh Visen PDF Edit Delete
47 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Ecofriendly Novel Tactics for Managing Stored Grain Pests Ardhendu Chakraborty and J. Alice R. P. Sujeetha PDF Edit Delete
48 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Plant Health Management Using Remote Sensing, Information Technology and Internet of Things Debasish Chakraborty, Huidrom Dayananda Singh, Naseeb Singh, Mahasweta Chakraborty and Bira Kishore Sethy PDF Edit Delete
49 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Prospective Botanicals for Tea Insect Pest Management Surajit Kalita and Priyanka Borbaruah PDF Edit Delete
50 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Genetically Modified Crops: Prospects, Risk and Precautions Punam Bhattacharjee and Sitesh Chatterjee PDF Edit Delete
51 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Exploitation of Seed Endophytes as a Potential Tool in Crop Improvements Devanushi Dutta PDF Edit Delete
52 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Improvement of Metarhizium Based Bioformulation for Sustainable Production of Cow Pea Sarodee Boruah and Pranab Dutta PDF Edit Delete
53 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Integrated Health Management in Makhana (Euryale ferox Salisb.) R. P. Prasad, Manoj Kumar, Lokendra Kumar, Dibyanshu Shekhar and Amba Kumari PDF Edit Delete
54 Current Trends in Plant Health Management An Innovative Approaches of Management of Bacterial Wilt Disease of King Chilli (Capsicum chinense Jacq) in the Agro Ecological Condition of Assam Madhusmita Kataky, Ajit Kr. Tamuli 2 and R. K. Sarma PDF Edit Delete
55 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Progress of Nanotechnology in Plant Disease Management Bendangsenla and Susanta Banik PDF Edit Delete
56 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Commercialization of PGPRs and their Application in Plant Disease Management Manjunath Hubballi, Archana, T.S.., Nakkeeran, S., Premchand, U., Anusha, B., Noorulla Haveri and Raghavendra K. Mesta PDF Edit Delete
57 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Molecular and Biotechnological Tactics: Concomitant for Magnitude of Plant Diseases Nayan Kishor Adhikary and Prasenjit Kundu PDF Edit Delete
58 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Biological Control of Nursery Diseases of Forest Crops : An Ecofriendly Arsenal for Plant Health Management Pranab Dutta, N. B. Singh and Lipa Deb PDF Edit Delete
59 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Cultural Practices and Management of Plant Diseases Rupjyoti Gogoi, Dipanjali Devi and Phatik Tamuli PDF Edit Delete
60 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Herbal Pesticides in Plant Health Management Dipanjali Devi, Rupjyoti Gogoi and Phatik Tamuli PDF Edit Delete
61 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Biointensive Integrated Pest Management of Major Fruit Crops Rachana R.R., Amala U. and Jayasimha G.T. PDF Edit Delete
62 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Pests and Disease Management in Kitchen Garden: An Organic Approach Kartik Pramanik, Priyadarshani P. Mohapatra , Licon Kumar Acharya and Chinmaya Jena PDF Edit Delete
63 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Insect Pest Management System M. Kalpana, M. Chandrasekaran and R. P. Soundararajan PDF Edit Delete
64 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Integrated Insect Pest Management Strategies in Forest Plantations M. Chandrasekaran and R.P. Soundararajan PDF Edit Delete
65 Current Trends in Plant Health Management CRISPR- the Gene Editor for Crop Health Management Jyotsna Dayma, Richita Saikia, Subhrota Bordoloi and Gracia Priya Kumari PDF Edit Delete
66 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Integrated Insect Pest Management in Tobacco-Present Status and Future Strategies U. Sreedhar PDF Edit Delete
67 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Management of Basal Stem Rot Disease of Coconut and Arecanut Ranjana Chakrabarty PDF Edit Delete
68 Current Trends in Plant Health Management IoT based Plant Disease Detection and Management Hitherto Sukanya Gogoi, Bandana Saikia and D. K. Sarmah PDF Edit Delete
69 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Potential Biotechnical Approaches in Plant Health Management Priyadarshini Deka and Rubi Gupta PDF Edit Delete
70 Current Trends in Plant Health Management Strategies for Organic Insect Pest Management in Pulses Cultivation Soundararajan, R.P., Chandrasekaran, M. and Chitra, N. PDF Edit Delete