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Slno Journal Entry Subject Editor-in-chife Access Frequency Published language Review Process DOI Prefix by Crossref Description ISSN Submit Article url Image Edit Delete
1 Innovative Farming Agriculture & Allied Sciences Dr. Anup Das (ARS) Open Access Quarterly 2016 English Double Blind Peer-Review 10.54083

Innovative Farming is an open access peer reviewed quarterly international journal, published as an official organ by Society for Advancement of Agricultural Innovations (SAAI), dedicated to explore the original research findings and groundbreaking information about the latest and future scientific work and stimulates the global research activities on all disciplines of Agricultural and Allied sciences.

2455-6521 Edit Delete
2 Biotica Research Today Biological Sciences Dr. K.P. Kiran Kumar Open Access Monthly 2019 English Double Blind Peer-Review 10.54083

Biotica Research Today (ISSN: 2582-6654, Online) is an Open Access Peer-Reviewed Journal of Scientific Research and therefore papers of general significance that are written clearly and well organized will be given preference. It publishes Research & Review Articles, Short Communication, General Articles / Popular ArticlesSuccess StoriesScientific CorrespondenceResearch NewsMeeting ReportsOpinion Articles etc. All papers, solicited and unsolicited, will be first assessed by a Reviewing Editor.

2582-6654 Edit Delete
3 Plant Health Archives Biological Sciences (Plant Protection) Prof. Pranab Dutta Open Access Quarterly 2023 English Double Blind Peer-Review 10.54083

Plant Health Archives (ISSN: 2583-9659, Online) is an Open Access Peer-Reviewed Journal of Plant Protection. It aims to publish the most complete and reliable source of information on the advanced and on frontier areas of research. It publishes original Research Articles, Review Articles and Short Communications. It also aided the global research community by providing unrestricted access to the important and valuable reports to every researcher in all corners of the globe for world class high impact research work. It covers all practical aspects of plant health management, crop improvement and related branches of biological sciences including applied zoology, post harvest losses, biotic and abiotic stresses, assessment of pest and diseases, etc.

2583-9659 Edit Delete
4 Research Biotica Biological Sciences (Agriculture & Allied Sciences) Prof. Budhindra Nath Hazarika Open Access Quarterly 2019 English Double Blind Peer-Review 10.54083

Research Biotica (ISSN: 2582-6743, Online) is a Multidisciplinary Open Access Scientific Journal and aims to publish the most complete and reliable source of information on the advanced and very latest research topics on biological sciences. It publishes Research ArticlesReview Articles and Scientific Communications. It also aided the global research community by providing unrestricted access to the important and valuable reports to every researcher in all corners of the globe, for world class high impact research work. It is a leading science journal and the publication has been continuously growing up.

2582-6743 Edit Delete