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1 Innovative Farming About the Journal Aim and Scope

Innovative Farming [eISSN: 2455-6521] is an open access peer reviewed quarterly international journal, published as an official organ by Society for Advancement of Agricultural Innovations (SAAI), Tripura in association with Biotica Publications, dedicated to explore the original research findings and groundbreaking information about the latest and future scientific work and stimulates the global research activities on all disciplines of Agricultural and Allied sciences.

Features of the Journal

1. Online Access to All (Lifetime).

2. A Global list of Prestigious Editors & Reviewers.

3. Rigorous, Fast and Constructive Peer-Review process.

4. No Processing/ Submission/ Publication Charges.

5. Full Colour Soft Copy of Paper with Journal Cover Pages for Printing.

6. Crossref DOI avaiable on pay basis.

7. CrossMark Updates.

8. Publication Certificate for Professional and Academic Enhancement.

9. High Visibility: Google Scholar, CrossRef, WorldCat, ResearchGate, Academic Keys, DRJI, Microsoft Academic, Index Copernicus,, OpenAIRE, CiteScience Index, Angiras etc.

Submission of Articles

Authors are encouraged to submit their original papers/ research contributions strictly formatted as per the Author Guidelines via online or email to [email protected]. These guidelines ensure that submitted papers meet the publication standards and facilitate the editorial process.

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2 Innovative Farming Article Processing Charges Article Processing Charges

Our commitment to the excellence of scholarly publications, rather than their sheer quantity, is at the core of our values. Therefore, the society is dedicated to meeting all the financial needs on behalf of the authors, ensuring that they can focus on producing high-quality academic content without the burden of funding constraints.

So relax, stay calm and publish your top-notch scholarly publication without any publication charges.

Publication Fees: 0

Contact us if you have any queries or concern by email: [email protected] or WhatsApp at +91 - 98630 23086.

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3 Innovative Farming Indexing/Abstracting Indexing/Abstracting

Innovative Farming is currently abstracted and indexed in CSIndex, Google Scholars, Research Gate, ANGIRAS, Semantic Scholar, J-Record, Scholars Record etc.

It is ANGIRAS approved journal.

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4 Innovative Farming Subscriptions Subscriptions

Articles published in this journal are open access for life-time; hence, no subscription required.

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5 Innovative Farming Special Issue Guidelines Special Issue Guidelines

Will be updated, when required...

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6 Plant Health Archives Special Issue Guidelines Special Issue Guidelines

Will be updated, when required...

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7 Plant Health Archives Subscriptions Subscriptions

Articles published in this journal are open access for life-time; hence, no subscription required.

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8 Plant Health Archives Indexing/Abstracting Indexing/Abstracting

Plant Health Archives is currently abstracted and indexed in CSIndex, Google Scholars, Research Gate, ANGIRAS, Semantic Scholar, J-Record, Scholars Record etc.

It is ANGIRAS approved journal.

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9 Plant Health Archives Article Processing Charges (APC) Article Processing Charges

Our commitment to the excellence of scholarly publications, rather than their sheer quantity, is at the core of our values. Therefore, the society is dedicated to meeting all the financial needs on behalf of the authors, ensuring that they can focus on producing high-quality academic content without the burden of funding constraints.

So Relax, stay calm and publish your top-notch scholarly publication without any publication charges.

Publication Fees: 0

Contact us if you have any queries or concern by email: [email protected] or WhatsApp at +91 - 98630 23086.

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10 Plant Health Archives About the Journal Aim and Scope

Plant Health Archives (ISSN: 2583-9659, Online) is an Open Access Peer-Reviewed Journal of Plant Protection. It aims to publish the most complete and reliable source of information on the advanced and on frontier areas of research. It publishes Original Research Articles, Review Articles and Short Communications. It also aided the global research community by providing unrestricted access to the important and valuable reports to every researcher in all corners of the globe for world class high impact research work. It covers all practical aspects of plant health management, crop improvement and related branches of biological sciences including applied zoology, post harvest losses, effect of plant growth rhizobacteria, biotic and abiotic stresses, cultural management, assessment of pest and diseases, molecular methods for detection and diagnosis, biological management for plant diseases and insect pests, biorational pesticides, invertebrate pest management, management of plant diseases, plant biosecurity and biosafety, management of weeds and integrated approaches, environmental benefits of reduced pesticide use and effects of pesticides, epidemiology of pests and diseases in relation to their control, GM Crops, and genetic engineering applications, management of postharvest crop diseases, invasive species, pesticide application methods, pest management, role of microbiome and phytobiome for pest and disease management, management of resistance, Sampling and monitoring schemes for diseases, nematodes, pests and biotechnological and nanotechnological approaches for plant disease management.

Features of the Journal

1. Online Access to All (Lifetime).

2. A Global list of Prestigious Editors & Reviewers.

3. Rigorous, Fast and Constructive Peer-Review process.

4. No Processing/ Submission/ Publication Charges.

5. Full Colour Soft Copy of Paper with Journal Cover Pages for Printing.

6. Free Crossref DOI to All Articles.

7. CrossMark Updates.

8. Publication Certificate for Professional and Academic Enhancement.

9. High Visibility: Google Scholar, CrossRef, WorldCat, ResearchGate, Academic Keys, DRJI, Microsoft Academic, Index Copernicus,, OpenAIRE, CiteScience Index, Angiras etc.

Submission of Articles

Authors are encouraged to submit their original papers/ research contributions strictly formatted as per the Author Guidelines via online or email to [email protected]. These guidelines ensure that submitted papers meet the publication standards and facilitate the editorial process.

About SBER

The Society for Biotic and Environmental Research (SBER) came into existence on 2018 in Tripura under Act XXI of 1860 (Regd. No. 8067 of 2019/ NITI Aayog ID No. TR/2019/0229149) in Tripura as a Non-profit scientific and educational society of likeminded academician, researchers, scientists from all over the nation for the increased furtherance and diffusion on knowledge of Life Sciences in general and Environment Science in particular.

Our Aim and Objectives

The main objective of the society is to make attempt for the development and extension of scientific research related to Life Sciences including Agriculture and allied branches and implementation of these research out comes in the upliftment of scientific and farming community. Its major aims and objectives include promotion and dissemination of innovative research outcomes among young minds and researchers, setting up regional and state Chapters, to hold national/international level conferences, symposium, seminars, training, brainstorming sessions, meetings.

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11 Biotica Research Today Special Issue Guidelines Special Issue Guidelines

Will be updated, when required...

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12 Biotica Research Today Subscriptions Subscriptions

Articles published in this journal are open access for life-time; hence, no subscription required.

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13 Biotica Research Today List of Reviewers Reviewers Panel

The updated list of reviewers will be uploaded shortly.

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14 Biotica Research Today Indexing/Abstracting Indexing/Abstracting

Biotica Research Today is currently abstracted and indexed in CSIndex, Google Scholars, Research Gate, ANGIRAS, Semantic Scholar, J-Record, Scholars Record etc.

It is ANGIRAS approved journal.

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15 Biotica Research Today Article Processing Charges (APC) Article Processing Charges

BIOTICA Journals are Open Access journal accessible for free on the Internet. We guarantee that no university library or individual reader will ever have to buy a subscription or pay any pay-per-view fees to access articles in the electronic version of the journal. There is hence no revenue at BIOTICA neither from the sale of subscriptions to the electronic version of the journal, advertising revenue, sell reprints, any other institutional or organizational support nor from pay-per-view fees.

Yet, the online publication process does involve costs including those pertaining to setup and maintenance of the publication infrastructure, routine operation of the journal, processing of manuscripts through peer-reviews, editing, publishing, maintaining the scholarly record, DOI and archiving. To cover these costs, the journals depend on Publication Fees.

Publication fee is payable only if a manuscript is accepted for publication. There is no additional fee for color figures and no submission charge. Instruction for payment will be sent during the publication process and invoice will be issued accordingly.

The APC for all categories is given below.

*The amount is mentioned only for maximum five authors and from sixth author onward Rs. 100.00 only or equivalent amount will be charged for each author.


1. Membership of SBER is optional.

2. Publishing fees or waiver status should not influence editorial decision making.

3. Fee Waiver for Society life members - is applicable only if the first author of the accepted manuscript is a life member. Changing the order of Author Names and also any affiliations once the galley proof is prepared will not be permitted.

4. DOI for popular article will be charge extra amount of Rs. 200.00 only.

Contact us if you have any queries or concern by email: [email protected] or WhatsApp at +91 - 98630 23086.

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16 Biotica Research Today About the Journal Aim and Scope

Biotica Research Today (ISSN: 2582-6654, Online) is an Open Access Peer-Reviewed Journal of Scientific Research and therefore papers of general significance that are written clearly and well organized will be given preference. It publishes Research & Review Articles, Short Communications, General/Popular articles, Success Stories, Scientific correspondence, News, Meeting reports, Research News, Opinion articles etc. All papers, solicited and unsolicited, will be first assessed by a Reviewing Editor.

It intends to promote all fields of Science and Technology viz., Agriculture & Horticulture, Fisheries Sciences, Animal & Veterinary Sciences, Food & Dairy Technology, Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Forestry, Botany, Zoology, Physiology, Medical & Clinical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Engineering etc.

Features of the Journal

1. It publishes 12 issues per year.

2. We are having a strong editorial team to fulfill all the editorial activities within the timeline.

3. No processing/submission charges & only nominal publication charges.

4. Open Access: Unrestricted visibility to the readers.

5. High Visibility: Google Scholar, ResearchGate, etc.

Submission of Articles

Authors are invited to submit their papers strictly formatted as per the Author Guidelines to [email protected].

About SBER

The Society for Biotic and Environmental Research (SBER) came into existence on 2018 in Tripura under Act XXI of 1860 (Regd. No. 8067 of 2019/ NITI Aayog ID No. TR/2019/0229149) in Tripura as a Non-profit scientific and educational society of likeminded academician, researchers, scientists from all over the nation for the increased furtherance and diffusion on knowledge of Life Sciences in general and Environment Science in particular.

Our Aim and Objectives

The main objective of the society is to make attempt for the development and extension of scientific research related to Life Sciences including Agriculture and allied branches and implementation of these research out comes in the upliftment of scientific and farming community. Its major aims and objectives include promotion and dissemination of innovative research outcomes among young minds and researchers, setting up regional and state Chapters, to hold national/international level conferences, symposium, seminars, training, brainstorming sessions, meetings.

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17 Research Biotica Special Issue Guidelines Special Issue Guidelines

Will be updated, when required...

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18 Research Biotica Subscriptions Subscriptions

Articles published in this journal are open access for life-time; hence, no subscription required.

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19 Research Biotica List of Reviewers Reviewers Panel

The updated reviewers list will be uploaded shortly.

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20 Research Biotica Indexing/Abstracting Indexing/Abstracting

Research Biotica is currently abstracted and indexed in CSIndex, Google Scholars, Research Gate, ANGIRAS, Semantic Scholar, J-Record, Scholars Record etc.

It is ANGIRAS approved journal.

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21 Research Biotica Article Processing Charges (APC) Article Processing Charges

Our commitment to the excellence of scholarly publications, rather than their sheer quantity, is at the core of our values. Therefore, the society is dedicated to meeting all the financial needs on behalf of the authors, ensuring that they can focus on producing high-quality academic content without the burden of funding constraints.

So Relax, stay calm and publish your top-notch scholarly publication without any publication charges.

Publication Fees: 0

Contact us if you have any queries or concern by email: [email protected] or WhatsApp at +91 - 98630 23086.

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22 Research Biotica About the Journal Aim and Scope

Research Biotica (e-ISSN: 2582-6743) is the leading multidisciplinary open access science journal from India. Besides full length research articles, the journal publishes review articles, Short communications and scientific correspondence. It is also a forum to discuss issues and problems faced by researchers and an effective medium of interaction among scientists in the country and abroad. It is a leading science journal and the publication has been continuously growing up. It covers all practical aspects of Agriculture & Horticulture, Fisheries Sciences, Animal & Veterinary Sciences, Food & Dairy Technology, Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Forestry, Botany, Zoology, Physiology, Medical & Clinical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, etc.

Features of the Journal

1. Online Access to All (Lifetime).

2. A Global list of Prestigious Editors & Reviewers.

3. Rigorous, Fast and Constructive Peer-Review process.

4. No Processing/ Submission/ Publication Charges.

5. Full Colour Soft Copy of Paper with Journal Cover Pages for Printing.

6. Free Crossref DOI to All Articles.

7. CrossMark Updates.

8. Publication Certificate for Professional and Academic Enhancement.

9. High Visibility: Google Scholar, CrossRef, WorldCat, ResearchGate, Academic Keys, DRJI, Microsoft Academic, Index Copernicus,, OpenAIRE, CiteScience Index, Angiras etc.

Submission of Articles

Authors are encouraged to submit their original papers/ research contributions strictly formatted as per the Author Guidelines via online or email to [email protected]. These guidelines ensure that submitted papers meet the publication standards and facilitate the editorial process.

About SBER

The Society for Biotic and Environmental Research (SBER) came into existence on 2018 in Tripura under Act XXI of 1860 (Regd. No. 8067 of 2019/ NITI Aayog ID No. TR/2019/0229149) in Tripura as a Non-profit scientific and educational society of likeminded academician, researchers, scientists from all over the nation for the increased furtherance and diffusion on knowledge of Life Sciences in general and Environment Science in particular.

Our Aim and Objectives

The main objective of the society is to make attempt for the development and extension of scientific research related to Life Sciences including Agriculture and allied branches and implementation of these research out comes in the upliftment of scientific and farming community. Its major aims and objectives include promotion and dissemination of innovative research outcomes among young minds and researchers, setting up regional and state Chapters, to hold national/international level conferences, symposium, seminars, training, brainstorming sessions, meetings.

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