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1 Thesis Publication

Now fulfill your dream by publishing your thesis as a BOOK with ISBN

For details contact: [email protected]

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2 Conference Abstract Book NA Edit Delete
3 Authors' Guidelines for Full Book

1. Format & Style

Book/Monograph: All Book/Monograph must be typed in A4 size (font size 12) in double space in single column with at least 1.5 inch margin on all sides. Authors should submit MS word files that contain the entire book with cover page (title of the book and authors details), content page, preface, individual chapters with references, annexure, etc.

2. Submission/Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submitted manuscript has not been previously published, nor it is submitted before in any other publisher for consideration.
  • All authors have agreed to sign the Authors’ Agreement Form (if necessary) describing their role in the book/chapter and taking responsibility of all disputes, if arises, from their contents in the book/chapter.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word (.doc / .docx / .rtf) document file format.
  • Chapters may be prepared as follows: Title page, Authors details, Abstract, Keywords, Full Text (heading/sub heading), Tables & Figures (labeled), References, Conclusions/Acknowledgements (if any).
  • Title page must contain Title of the book, Author’s Affiliations, email id and address of all authors.
  • 4-6 Keywords are indicated separately and arranged in alphabetical order
  • References should be well formatted in accordance with the guidelines of the book, and cited in the text as well.

*Brief Profile of the Author: Good quality photographs of all authors/editors along with their concise biodata not exceeding 250 words must be submitted separately.

*About the Book: A summary/abstract of the book/chapter within 350 words must be submitted

Language: We publish books in English only.


  • ‘Per’ (/) in text or table to be typed as superscript, e.g., ‘yield/plant’ must be ‘yield plant-1’.
  • ‘Percent’ or ‘percentage’ in the text and table are to be corrected as ‘%’.
  • et al.’, ‘e.g.’, ‘etc.’ ‘via’, ‘viz.’ should be presented in italics.


2.1 Reference Format

We advocate the citation of new papers; old references are better replaced with updated ones. The authors are responsible for the correctness of references. References should be kept to a minimum and listed in alphabetical order. Personal communication and unpublished data should not be included in reference list. The list of reference at the end of the text should be in the following format. The authors are responsible for the correctness of references.

In the text, references should be cited as follows:

two authors (Mohali and Bhowmik, 2019),

three or more authors (Mullar et al., 2017).

References in the text should be listed chronologically separated by semicolon, e.g. (John, 2000; Moriss and Wei, 2000; Smith et al., 1987).

2.1.1 Journals

Mahadevan, A., 2020. Effect of pruning and fertigation on plant biometric characters in guava (Psidium guajava L.). Research Biotica 2(1), 01-07. DOI:

Kamala, M., Karthikeyan, A., 2019. Effect of nutritional fortification of nanoparticles of ribolavin on the growth and development of mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori L. Research Biotica 1(1), 23-30. DOI:

Dey, A., Paul, S.S., Lailer, P.C., Dahiya, S.S., 2020. Efficacy of sunflower oil in modulating rumen functions and reducing enteric methane production in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Research Biotica 2(2), 61-64. DOI:

No Author Given

Anonymous, 2013. Annual Report. Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres, Barrackpore, Kolkata. p. 157.

AOAC, 1995. Official Methods of Analysis, 16th Edition. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, DC, USA. pp. 41-57.


Anonymous, 2019. Artificial Intelligence on NRM. In: Biotica Publications (website). Available at: Accessed on: 17th September, 2019.

Chakraborty, A., 2003. General approaches to insect control. In: IPM Strategies in India. Available at: Accessed on: 01st May, 2019.

2.1.2 Books

Personal author(s)

Atwal, A.S., 1976. Agricultural Pest of India and South East Asia. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. pp. 256-257. DOI:

Edited book

Kesharwani, P. (Ed.)., 2020. Nanotechnology based approaches for tuberculosis treatment. Academic Press.

Sukumal, G.C., Rovert, D.P., Capodilupo, C.M., Nadal, K.L., Sue, D.W. (Eds.), 2020. Integrated Farming System: Challenges and Opportunities. Biotica Publications.

Chapter in a book

Chang, G.C., Kareiva, P., 1999. The case for indigenous generalists in biological control. In: Theoretical Approaches to Biological Control. (Eds.) Hawkins, B.A. and Cornell, H.V. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom. pp. 103-115. DOI:

2.1.3 Published Proceedings Paper

Chundawat, G.S., Sharma, U.S., 2003. Bioefficacy of some newer acaricides against red spider mite on brinjal. In: Proceedings of the National Symposium on Frontier Areas of Entomological Research, New Delhi. November 5-7, 2003. pp. 287-288.

2.1.4 Dissertation or Thesis

Manjulatha, M., 1999. Bioefficacy of certain newer insecticides against spider mite, Tetranychus neocaledonicus Andre (Acari: Tetranychidae) on vegetables. M.Sc. (Agri.) Thesis, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India. p. 92.

2.2 Tables and Figures: Table should be descriptive with or without references with heading in bold letters. Tables, figures, drawings should be placed outside (As a separate attachment) of the text as they shall be correctly arranged by the publisher. Figures whether line drawing or graph should be of good quality. Legends to figures should be given on a separate sheet. Tables and figures should be numbered consequently in Arabic numerals (Table 1, Table 2 and Figure 1, Figure 2).

For each table, please provide a table title explaining the content of the table. Source of Tables from a previously published material should be mentioned at the footnote.

Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included beneath the table body

2.3 Photographs: The photographs should be of good quality (not less than 300 dpi resolution, so if they should occupy text column width (8 cm) they must have at least 1000 pixels width.) and in the JPG/ JPEG/ PNG/ TIFF format. Please send original (not resized) photograph(s), straight from a digital camera, without any text descriptions on the photo.

3.  Publication Fees:

There is no submission and processing fees. A nominal amount of publication fees will be charged for each book. For details kindly visit Publication Package page of the website.

4.  Royalty to the Authors:

For more details please visit Authors Royalty page or contact Executive Director (Publication) through e-mail [email protected] or WhatsApp +91-9863023086

5. Editorial Procedures: After successful submission of manuscript by author, the manuscript is first sent to the English editor. The English editor checks the book format, typographical mistakes. The editor is very much concerned with the data processing format and relevant details. This time taken by initial reviewing process depends on the level of accuracy followed by author in compliance with the journal format. Manuscripts are rejected at this stage if have poor grammars or English language, or are outside the aims and scope of the book, or not written in accordance with the guidelines. We strongly suggest author to go through carefully on the Instructions for each book and download the published chapters for reference. The chapters with comments (if any) by English editor is sent to author for further revision. After fulfilling comments by the English editor, author resend (upload) the manuscript to book administrator.

The Editor(s) evaluates all the manuscripts. Manuscripts rejected at this stage if insufficiently original, have serious scientific flaws, or are outside the aims and scope of the book, or not written in accordance with the guidelines. Those that meet the minimum criteria are forwarded to at least 2 experts for review.

Peer-Review Policy

Generally, all the manuscripts are reviewed by a minimum of two suitable external experts in the respective subject area. The reports of all the reviewers will be considered while deciding on acceptance/ revision or rejection of a manuscript, but the ultimate responsibility for acceptance or rejection lies with the editors of Book/Executive Director (Publications).

Plagiarism Policy

All the submitted manuscripts are first subjected to Plagiarism check and then the Publishing cycle begins. In case, plagiarism is detected during review/ editorial process, such manuscript(s) will be rejected immediately and we can also consider other steps depending upon the seriousness of the case. If the plagiarism is proven after publication, such manuscript(s) will be removed from our website and appropriate announcement will be placed in this regards.

6. Deadline: The final date for submission of contributions will be different for each book and will be finalized by the Lead Editor of each book.

7. Submission of Articles: Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts strictly following the Author Guidelines through online mode or through E-mail:  [email protected]

Incase any queries/concerns call or WhatsApp to +91-9863023086.

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4 Xpress Publishing: Fast-Track Your Publications

Xpress Publishing is a groundbreaking initiative by Biotica Publications designed to provide authors and editors with a fast and efficient publishing experience. Whether you're working on a Research Article, Review Article, Popular Article, Book or Book Chapter, Xpress Publishing ensures your valuable work is published rapidly and with the highest priority.

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5 Publication Package

We guarantee that no university library or individual reader will ever have to buy a subscription or pay any pay-per-view fees to access chapters in the electronic version of the Book. There is hence no revenue at BIOTICA neither from the sale of subscriptions to the electronic version of the Book, advertising revenue, sell reprints, any other institutional or organizational support nor from pay-per-view fees.

Yet, the online publication process does involve costs including those pertaining to setup and maintenance of the publication infrastructure, routine operation of the website, processing of manuscripts through peer-reviews, editing, publishing, maintaining the scholarly record, DOI and archiving. To cover these costs, the publisher depends on Publication Fees.

Publication fee is payable only if a manuscript is accepted for publication. There is no additional fee for color figures, and no submission charge. Instruction for payment will be sent during the publication process and invoice will be issued accordingly.


  • Rapid Peer Review process
  • Multiple marketing channels
  • Book will be published with ISBN
  • International platform for launching of each book
  • There is no restrictions on the number of authors
  • One complimentary e-copy of chapter (Online Book) & 5 copies (Printed Book)
  • Unique dashboard to each Author (forthcoming)
  • Editorship/authorship e-certificate which is important for academic and professional enhancement
  • No Processing/submission fees and only nominal publication charge
  • On demand CrossRef DOI will be allotted to each book/chapter
  • Free service of typesetting, proofreading and cover design
  • Skilled, proficient and competent editorial and reviewer team
  • Selected good quality chapters (not all) will be indexed in RSquareL/Angiras and other indexing platforms.
  • Open access mode of publication in Biotica Digital Library
  • Enhanced search features are implemented to boost the discoverability of the content for readers and fellow researchers, thereby facilitating increased citations.
  • Easy paper/chapter management system with transparency of the process including peer review
  • Adds points to API as per NAAC & NBA (India) and other accreditation bodies from abroad
  • Exceptional Royalty benefit for corresponding editor of full book and author of each chapter (Closed Access/Printed Books category only)
  • Authors/Editors will also be privileged to host National/International Conference/workshop at their own place or country
  • Authors/Editors will avail concessions in registration fees in all National/International conference/seminar/workshop


Publication Charge per Chapter (Edited Book)


For DigiAuthor Member

For Non-Member

Price (INR)

Price (USD)

Price (INR)

Price (USD)

Plan A: 

Author's benefit: CrossRef DOI + DigiAuthor Membership + e-copy of publication certificate + e-copy of published chapter + Registration fee concessions in biotica conferences





Plan B: 

Author's benefit: CrossRef DOI + DigiAuthor Membership + Hard copy of publication certificate + One complimentary printed copy of book + Registration fee concessions in biotica conferences






DigiAuthor Membership: Rs. 199 only (Click here for details)


Publication Charge (Printed Authored Book)


No. of pages

Complimentary copies

Price (INR)

Bond paper both side printed and laminated cover page (Soft cover) (Excluding courier charges)












  • Extra/Fresh copies (Printed Book) and full book (Open Access Printed Book) may be obtained by the author/editor with 30% discount on MRP.
  • Editors (Printed book only) are entitled to receive 40% profit royalty on sale/book (Profit = MRP - (Distribution Cost + Production Cost)).


e-Mail us: [email protected]


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6 DigiAuthor Membership

Biotica Publications proudly announces the launch of our DigiAuthor Membership, a unique initiative crafted to support and empower authors in their research journey. With an affordable annual membership fee, this program ensures you experience seamless, high-quality publishing with an array of unmatched benefits. This one-year membership offers a wealth of opportunities to simplify your publishing process. Whether you are a seasoned academic or a budding researcher, the DigiAuthor Membership is your gateway to faster, smarter and more effective publishing.


  • Fast Publication: Open Access/Close Access Facility
  • Free Plagiarism/AI Check for submitted chapter
  • Discount in publication fees (worth Rs. ≈ 1000/-)
  • Free CrossRef DOI (worth Rs. 250/-)
  • Free indexing in ANGIRAS Database
  • Unlimited chapter submission*
  • Free publication e-Certificate
  • Membership for 1 year
  • Free e-copy of the published chapter
  • Timely, effective and prompt communication
  • Free service of typesetting, proofreading
  • Fee waiver in Biotica conferences


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*Note: Chapter must be prepared in accordance with the authors’ guidelines

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7 Authors' Guidelines for Book Chapter

1. Format & Style

All Book chapters must be typed in A4 size (font size 12) in double space in single column with at least 1.5 inch margin on all sides. Authors should submit single word files that contains the following information.

  1. Title of the Chapter
  2. Author (S) Name & Designation, Phone/Mobile Number, Email ids of all authors
  3. Abstract
  4. Keywords
  5. Introduction
  6. Chapter Contents (Headings/Sub-headings, Tables/Figures)
  7. Conclusions / Acknowledgements (if any)
  8. References

(Note: It is mandatory to provide WhatsApp number of corresponding author and e-mail id of all the authors as it is required to receive consent of publication from the authors)

2. Submission/Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submitted manuscript has not been previously published, nor it is submitted before in any other publisher for consideration.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word (.doc / .docx) document file format.
  • Manuscript is ordered as follows: Title page, Authors details, Abstract, Keywords, Full Text (heading/sub heading), Tables & Figures (labeled), References, Conclusions/Acknowledgements (if any).
  • Title page must contain Title of the book, Author’s Affiliations, email id and address of all authors.
  • 4-6 Keywords are indicated separately and arranged in alphabetical order
  • References should be well formatted in accordance with the guidelines of the book, and cited in the text as well.
  • There is no restriction on the number of authors but the manuscript should not exceed 6000 words or 15 pages, whichever is less, including references.
  • Similarity Index/AI content must be below 15%


Language: We publish books in English only


  • ‘Per’ (/) in text or table to be typed as superscript, e.g., ‘yield/plant’ must be ‘yield plant-1’.
  • ‘Percent’ or ‘percentage’ in the text and table are to be corrected as ‘%’.
  • et al.’, ‘e.g.’, ‘etc.’ ‘via’, ‘viz.’ should be presented in italics.


2.1 Reference Format

We advocate the citation of new papers; old references are better replaced with updated ones. The authors are responsible for the correctness of references. References should be kept to a minimum and listed in alphabetical order. Personal communication and unpublished data should not be included in reference list. The list of reference at the end of the text should be in the following format. The authors are responsible for the correctness of references.

In the text, references should be cited as follows:

two authors (Mohali and Bhowmik, 2019),

three or more authors (Mullar et al., 2017).

References in the text should be listed chronologically separated by semicolon, e.g. (John, 2000; Moriss and Wei, 2000; Smith et al., 1987).

2.1.1 Journals

Mahadevan, A., 2020. Effect of pruning and fertigation on plant biometric characters in guava (Psidium guajava L.). Research Biotica 2(1), 01-07. DOI:

Kamala, M., Karthikeyan, A., 2019. Effect of nutritional fortification of nanoparticles of ribolavin on the growth and development of mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori L. Research Biotica 1(1), 23-30. DOI:

Dey, A., Paul, S.S., Lailer, P.C., Dahiya, S.S., 2020. Efficacy of sunflower oil in modulating rumen functions and reducing enteric methane production in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Research Biotica 2(2), 61-64. DOI:

No Author Given

Anonymous, 2013. Annual Report. Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres, Barrackpore, Kolkata. p. 157.

AOAC, 1995. Official Methods of Analysis, 16th Edition. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, DC, USA. pp. 41-57.


Anonymous, 2019. Artificial Intelligence on NRM. In: Biotica Publications (website). Available at: Accessed on: 17th September, 2019.

Chakraborty, A., 2003. General approaches to insect control. In: IPM Strategies in India. Available at: Accessed on: 01st May, 2019.

2.1.2 Books

Personal author(s)

Atwal, A.S., 1976. Agricultural Pest of India and South East Asia. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. pp. 256-257. DOI:

Edited book

Kesharwani, P. (Ed.)., 2020. Nanotechnology based approaches for tuberculosis treatment. Academic Press.

Sukumal, G.C., Rovert, D.P., Capodilupo, C.M., Nadal, K.L., Sue, D.W. (Eds.), 2020. Integrated Farming System: Challenges and Opportunities. Biotica Publications.

Chapter in a book

Chang, G.C., Kareiva, P., 1999. The case for indigenous generalists in biological control. In: Theoretical Approaches to Biological Control. (Eds.) Hawkins, B.A. and Cornell, H.V. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom. pp. 103-115. DOI:

2.1.3 Published Proceedings Paper

Chundawat, G.S., Sharma, U.S., 2003. Bioefficacy of some newer acaricides against red spider mite on brinjal. In: Proceedings of the National Symposium on Frontier Areas of Entomological Research, New Delhi. November 5-7, 2003. pp. 287-288.

2.1.4 Dissertation or Thesis

Manjulatha, M., 1999. Bioefficacy of certain newer insecticides against spider mite, Tetranychus neocaledonicus Andre (Acari: Tetranychidae) on vegetables. M.Sc. (Agri.) Thesis, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India. p. 92.

2.2 Tables and Figures: Table should be descriptive with or without references with heading in bold letters. Tables, figures, drawings should be placed outside (As a separate attachment) of the text as they shall be correctly arranged by the publisher. Figures whether line drawing or graph should be of good quality. Legends to figures should be given on a separate sheet. Tables and figures should be numbered consequently in Arabic numerals (Table 1, Table 2 and Figure 1, Figure 2).

For each table, please provide a table title explaining the content of the table. Source of Tables from a previously published material should be mentioned at the footnote.

Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included beneath the table body

2.3 Photographs: The photographs should be of good quality (not less than 300 dpi resolution, so if they should occupy text column width (8 cm) they must have at least 1000 pixels width.) and in the JPG/ JPEG/ PNG/ TIFF format. Please send original (not resized) photograph(s), straight from a digital camera, without any text descriptions on the photo.

3. Publication Fees: There is no submission and processing fees. A nominal amount of publication fees will be charged for each chapter. For details kindly visit Publication Package

4. Submission of Articles: Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts strictly following the Author Guidelines through online mode or through E-mail:  [email protected]

Incase any queries/concerns call or WhatsApp to +91-9863023086

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8 Invitation to Author NA Edit Delete
9 About Book Publication NA Edit Delete
10 Policies

Refund Policy:

If a payment is deposited incorrectly, in excess, or if an author is dissatisfied with our services, a refund will be processed within 7 days, provided the author promptly notifies us. However, delays in the refund process may occur due to regional factors, and the publisher shall not be held liable for such delays.

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13 For Conference Organizers

Conference organizers may contact us to publish Compendium of Abstracts or Extended Summary or Edited Book with ISBN.

Contact through e-mail: [email protected]

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14 For Societies


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15 For Publishers NA Edit Delete
16 For Librarians NA Edit Delete
17 Roles, Privileges and Guidelines of Editors

Role of Editors

Lead Editor plays a vital role in ensuring the quality of books. He/She will typically be responsible for these steps for publishing a book:

  • Submitting a proposal
  • Soliciting papers and publicity
  • Preliminary review and handling submitted chapters
  • Assigning reviewer for each chapters
  • A Lead Editor may invite fellow scientist/researchers to join the editorial team as Associate Guest Editor (AGE)
  • Lead Editor may invite maximum 5 editors to edit an issue
  • If an AGE submits a paper to the issue, the Lead Editor (LE) will manage that paper. The LE will be responsible for either handling the paper directly or appointing a AGE (or an Associate Editor) to handle the paper.
  • AGEs cannot act as a reviewer for the papers where he/she is an author/co-author, but another AGE from the issue may review a paper he/she is not managing and for which he/she is also not an author.
  • If the AGE thinks the paper should be immediately rejected (the paper is out of scope, poorly written, etc.), the AGE should contact the LE before rejection of particular paper.
  • Initial review period must not exceed 1 week.
  • To ensure a high-quality book and to avoid conflict of interest concerns, a AGE cannot handle a paper if it falls into any one of the following categories:
  • Any research collaborators/members of any of the authors.
  • Any person in the same organization as any of the authors.
  • Present or former students, relatives, advisors or any people closely connected to any of the authors

Once all reviewed papers have been accepted for the publication, our production team works with Lead Editor to move to the production stage and upload papers in the website and intimate each authors.

Steps Involved in the Peer Review Process

  • Editorial Office initially check submissions for basic administrative compliances (duration: 1-2 days), and then forward submissions to the Lead Editor (LE).
  • The LE assigns all papers to AGEs (including himself/herself) or publisher may handle all the submissions including review till final publication (duration: 3 days) or
  • AGEs may propose at least 2 qualified reviewers per paper (3 reviewers are strongly recommended) to the office (duration: 3 days).
  • Editorial Office will communicate with the reviewers for review (duration: 5 days) and authors for the correction (duration: 3 days).


Important Notice

  • Formatting and correspondence to the authors will be done by the technical team of Biotica.
  • Minimum 20 chapters (excluding editor’s contributions) are mandatory to complete an issue/edited book.
  • Manuscript must not exceed 15-20 A4 pages (double spaced, 1.5 margin, 12 font size) or 6000 words, whichever is less, including references, figures/tables etc.
  • Fee Waiver for Article - is applicable only if the first author of the accepted manuscript is an editor. Changing the order of Author Names and also any affiliations once the galley proof is prepared will not be permitted.
  • There is no complimentary copies of book will be printed/provided to the editors as it is open access to all. Editors and individual authors will receive the e-copy of the individual chapter with cover, copyright page, content page and publication certificate. However, as and when required, extra printed copies of whole book may be purchased with special discounted price by editor/author.


Privileges of Editors/Reviewers

  • Editors/Reviewers will receive a prestigious service certificate which is important for academic and professional enhancement.
  • Editors/Reviewers will also be privileged to host National/International Conference/workshop at their own place or country.
  • Editors/Reviewers will get concessions in publication fees in all our journals/magazines. Articles must be prepared in accordance with the author’s guidelines.
  • Editors/Reviewers will avail concessions in registration fees in all National/International conference/seminar/workshop organized by SBER/Biotica.


Submission Procedure for Editor

Step 1: Go to Biotica website
Step 2: Click on the Book Proposal Submission at Quick Links menu
Step 3: Upload all necessary details of the form
Step 4: Click on “Submit Now”



  • Book Titles may be changed or modified during the submission process
  • Must read editorial guidelines before proposal submission


Download Full Guidelines


Mail us: [email protected]

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18 Roles and Privileges of Reviewers


  • Providing written, unbiased, constructive feedback in a timely manner on the scholarly merits and the scientific value of the work, together with the documented basis for the reviewer’s opinion
  • Indicating whether the writing is clear, concise, and relevant and rating the work’s composition, scientific accuracy, originality, and interest to the journal’s readers
  • Avoiding personal comments or criticism
  • Maintaining the confidentiality of the review process: not sharing, discussing with third parties, or disclosing information from the reviewed paper
  • Notifying the editor immediately if unable to review in a timely manner and, if able, providing the names of alternative reviewers
  • Alerting the editor about any potential personal, financial or perceived conflict of interest and declining to review when a conflict exists
  • Noting any ethical concerns, such as any violation of accepted norms of ethical treatment of animal or human subjects or substantial similarity between the reviewed manuscript and any published paper or any manuscript concurrently submitted to another journal that may be known to the reviewer
  • Refraining from direct author contact
  • Ensuring that the methods and analysis are adequately detailed to allow the reader to judge the scientific merit of the study design and be able to replicate the study
  • Ensuring that the article cites all relevant work by other scientists


Steps involved in the Peer Review Process

  • Editorial Office initially check submissions for basic administrative compliances (duration: 1-2 days), and then forward submissions to the Lead Editor (LE).
  • The LE assigns all papers to AGEs (including himself/herself) (duration: 3 days).
  • AGEs propose at least 2 qualified reviewers per paper (3 reviewers are strongly recommended) to the office (duration: 3 days).
  • Editorial Office will communicate with the reviewers for review (duration: 5 days) and authors for the correction (duration: 3 days).


Privileges of Editors/Reviewers

  • Reviewers will receive a prestigious service certificate which is important for academic and professional enhancement.
  • Reviewers will also be privileged to host National/International Conference/workshop at their own place or country.
  • Reviewers will get concessions in publication fees in all our journals/magazines. Articles must be prepared in accordance with the author’s guidelines.
  • Reviewers will avail concessions in registration fees in all National/International conference/seminar/workshop organized by SBER/Biotica.
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19 For Authors

Please visit publish book/book chapter pages

Incase any queries/concerns donot hesitate to contact us [email protected]

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20 Download

Authors Guidelines (Book Chapter)

Authors Guidelines (Book)

Authors Agreement Form


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21 Jobs at BIOTICA

Biotica is a leading publisher of aspiring authors from around the world. We are currently looking for a professional with expert knowledge in writing and publishing to join our team.

If you want to make a difference with your work and are passionate about your skill, please send your resume to [email protected]

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22 Open Access Policy

All the chapters published in Biotica are freely available without any registration, subscription, or payment. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the chapters in this publisher without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author, as long as the original authors are properly cited.

Furthermore, the publisher also allows the authors to self-archive the final accepted version of the articles on any Open Archives Initiative-compliant institutional/subject-based repository.

All the published chapters are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

Our books can be fully open access, closed access, printed or hybrid, with a mixture of open access and paid chapters.

Publishing your book open access makes it more visible and discoverable to the global scientific community:

  • Free for readers to access all chapters
  • Reach 50% more countries
  • 2x more citations
  • 10x more free downloads
  • 10x more online mentions
  • Chapter indexing in famous Angiras platform
  • Publication certificate for all authors
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23 Publication Ethics NA Edit Delete
24 Propose a Conference

Any organization or society may organize conference jointly with BIOTICA & SBER.

For more deatils about Terms & Conditions please contact our team

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25 Propose a Special Issue

A Special Issue in Biotica Journals or a Book Serier in Biotica Books may be proposed. Kindly contact +91-9863023086 or [email protected] 

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