BeeKeeping: A Venture for Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship Development
Honeybees are wonderful minute winged creatures which have fascinated the humanity since the prehistoric times. Honey bees, Apis spp., are very important for our environment, economy and health. Beekeeping can be labour-intensive during certain times of the year. Working with bees requires a calm touch and cool nature. It also requires a basic understanding of the honey bees’ behaviour during the various seasons and during handling and moving. Moreover marketing of honey and other bee products can be trade e.g. beeswax, pollen, royal jelly, propolis, bee venom, or queens and pollination services to farmers and orchardists. It is well known that honey bee colonies reproduce by swarming, that means some workers move from the colony with virgin or mated queens to a new place. Then these workers cooperate together to build a new nest while the role of the queen is only for egg laying and pheromonal control (Winston, 1992).A honey bee colony is a population of related and closely interacting individuals that form a highly complex society.Bees are some of the hardest working creatures on the planet and because of their laborious. Bees are responsible for pollinating about one sixth of the flowering plant species Worldwide and approximately 400 different agricultural types of plant. The Apidae family is perhaps the most well-known family with familiar members such as the honeybee, carpenter bee, and bumblebee. All of these species obediently serve as pollinators of our agricultural World. All bees have stiff hairs and pockets on their legs, allowing them to collect more pollen and be more efficient transporters between plants.Full understanding of origin and distribution of bees is very crucial for understanding how and when these adaptations arose. Understanding the evolutionary relationships of these bees would provide a basis for behavioural studies.