A Practical Manual on Soil, Water and Plant Analysis
Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry
In the changing scenario of a comprehensive, vibrant and quality agricultural education system, in congruence with a dynamic research and technology developing setting, the urgency for strengthening our educational standard, graduates employability, and research and extension outcomes can hardly be over emphasised. This Fifth Deans’ Committee, underpinning the congruence of excellence and relevance, has judiciously updated the curricula, course contents, and degree nomenclature, and recommended reforms in admission and examination, pedagogy, faculty requirement, governance, etc. While addresses the academic legitimacy of new and emerging issues of food and agriculture systems, the students need to update their professional calibre and employability skills to sustain the competitive market. Considering various difficulties and work-pressure faced by the students to cope up the changing scenario of agricultural education, there is an urgent need of providing easy online & offline access of content / study materials of various courses to the students.
This manual addresses the various exercises / experiments as laid out in the syllabus of various undergraduate courses of Agriculture, Horticulture and Forestry entitled “Soil, Water and Plant Analysis” offered during the second year of undergraduate programmes. This will serve as a guide for them to understand various analytical principles and instrumental methods related to analysis of soil, water and plant samples and thereby helping them to progress ahead in acquiring in-depth knowledge on carrying out of various research activities / programmmes in the field of agriculture and allied disciplines.