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| Chapter | 2024-09-18 18:18:26 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.54083/978-81-947739-5-5_19 |

Integrated Health Management in Makhana (Euryale ferox Salisb.)

Authors: R. P. Prasad, Manoj Kumar, Lokendra Kumar, Dibyanshu Shekhar and Amba Kumari | views: 116 | Get Access


Makhana (Euryale ferox Salisb.) is an important aquatic cash crop grown primarily in north Bihar and a few other states in India. Traditionally, makhana has been growing in pond systems on subsistence basis, where not much effort was given to the plant protection aspect. As the makhana cultivation assumes commercial significance, it becomes imperative to control different insect-pests and diseases appearing in makhana to boost the crop productivity and farm income. Aphids (R. nymphaeae L.), case worm (E. crisonalis W.) and root borer (Donacia delesserti) are the major insects attacking the makhana plant, while leaf blight caused by Alternaria tenuis is the major disease of makhana. Since makhana is an aquatic crop, use of chemical pesticides should better be avoided unless damages are economically too unbearable. Organic pesticides should be preferred over chemical ones for pest control in makhana. Neem oil cake during land preparation (25 kg/ha) or neem oil spray (0.3%) in standing crop can be used for organic pest control. Adequate and balanced plant nutrition should also be given to the growing crop in order to keep the crop in good health and vigor, which in turns reduces susceptibility of the crop to many insect-pests and diseases.