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| Chapter | 2024-09-18 04:59:56 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.54083/978-81-947739-1-7-3 |

Transformative Roles of Information and Communication Technologies in Fostering Climate-Resilient Agriculture

Authors: Pankaj Das, Trina Adhikary and Bulbul Ahmad | views: 146 | Download


The escalating threat of climate change casts a long shadow on global food security. Erratic weather patterns, rising temperatures, and extreme weather events disrupt agricultural production systems and jeopardize crop yields. In this challenging scenario, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are emerging as transformative tools, empowering farmers to adapt to a changing climate and build resilience. One of the most significant contributions of ICTs is improved access to information. Farmers can leverage mobile applications and online platforms to access real-time weather data, crop forecasts, and best practices for climate-smart agriculture. This readily available knowledge empowers them to make informed decisions about planting dates, resource allocation, and irrigation practices. Imagine a scenario where a farmer receives an SMS alert predicting an impending heatwave, allowing them to adjust irrigation schedules or implement heat stress mitigation techniques for their crops. ICTs go beyond information access by unlocking the power of data analytics. Sensors, drones, and GPS technology collect valuable data on soil conditions, crop health, and water use efficiency. This empowers farmers to analyze resource use and target inputs, such as fertilizers and pesticides, to specific areas of the field. Precision agriculture techniques, enabled by ICTs, minimize resource waste, reduce environmental impact, and ensure that only the necessary treatments are applied.Communication and collaboration are further strengthened by ICTs. Online forums and social media groups facilitate knowledge sharing and the dissemination of best practices. Farmers can connect with extension workers, researchers, and other stakeholders to learn from each other's successes and challenges in adapting to climate change. This fosters a collaborative environment and accelerates the diffusion of critical knowledge across farming communities. Market access and financial inclusion are also enhanced by ICTs. Mobile banking applications connect farmers to new markets, facilitate access to financial services like loans and insurance, and improve market transparency. This empowers farmers to invest in climate-resilient technologies, manage risks associated with extreme weather events, and secure a more stable future for their livelihoods. Despite these immense benefits, bridging the digital divide remains crucial. Not all farmers have equal access to ICTs or the skills to use them effectively. Efforts are needed to create digital literacy programs, provide affordable technology solutions, and ensure equitable access for all. Additionally, concerns regarding data privacy and security need to be addressed through robust data protection frameworks.In conclusion, Information and Communication Technologies are transforming agriculture, empowering farmers to become agents of change in the face of climate challenges. By providing access to information, enabling data-driven decision making, facilitating communication, promoting financial inclusion, and fostering collaboration, ICTs are paving the way for a more resilient, sustainable, and climate-smart agricultural future.