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| Chapter | 2025-03-09 07:25:51 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.54083/978-81-947739-1-7-8 |

Millets' Role in Addressing Malnutrition and Ensuring Food Security in a Changing Climate

Authors: Piyush Kankarwal, Swetha Priya Gali, Paulin, R. Meenatchi and Pratibha Singh | views: 193 | Download


Millets are regarded as an ancient grain and are utilized for human consumption, animal feed and bird feed. They are superior to other crops in several ways, including drought and pest tolerance. Additionally, they can endure inhospitable conditions and infertile ground. These advantages result from their genetic make-up and physical characteristics, such as their small size and toughness. It is extensively consumed in developing nations in Asia and Africa. Although millet seems to be a seed, it has a nutritional profile that is comparable to that of sorghum and other cereals. Because millets are gluten-free and contain high protein, fiber and antioxidant levels, they have become more popular in the West. Millets can increase hemoglobin levels and lessen an iron shortage. Urban consumers are becoming more aware of the fact that millets are a nutritional powerhouse that fight diabetes, obesity and lower the risk of heart and circulatory diseases. When compared to other common grains, millets are resource-efficient, have a high nutritional content and are frequently referred to as "nutri-cereals" or "superfoods."

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