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| Chapter | 2025-03-09 07:25:50 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.54083/978-81-947739-1-7-9 |

Menace of Fruit Flies and its Eco-Friendly Management Practices using Several Modern Techniques

Authors: Satyabrata Sarangi, S. D. Mohapatra, Guru P. Pandi G, P. Bhavana, Swagatika Sahoo, Prabhu Prasanna Pradhan and Suman Samilita Dash | views: 458 | Download


Fruit flies are a significant agricultural pest that feeds on fruit and vegetable harvests. Because of the destruction these insects cause, they are regarded as essential pests. Managing fruit flies is challenging because they lay their eggs within the fruit. Their enormous capacity for reproduction, flexibility in a variety of settings and polyphagous lifestyle provide serious challenges to control. A solitary strategy is inadequate to address this pest; rather, a comprehensive approach that combines multiple methods, including non-chemical methods like, mechanical, cultural, behavioral and biological controls, along with plant resistance mechanisms, is necessary. Some environmentally friendly sustainable management techniques, such as pheromone traps, poison baiting, soil solarization, bio-control agents, biopesticides, etc. for fruit-fly control, alternative techniques have frequently been used in various horticultural crops because chemical methods are harmful to the environment and leave residues on crops, soil and air.

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