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| Chapter | 2025-03-09 05:09:58 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.54083/978-81-980121-3-5_16 |

Education and Training: Building Capacity in Aquaculture

Authors: Trishna Biswal, Shivam Pawar and Sanee Chauhan | views: 16 | Download


Education is an ongoing process that is essential for both individual growth and societal progress. It provides people with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively adapt to their surroundings, influencing their behaviours and personalities in alignment with social expectations. This educational journey is crucial for national advancement, as it strengthens individual capabilities, allowing them to reach specific goals. In the realm of aquaculture, the rapid pace of technological change has highlighted the urgent need for enhanced educational standards among extension workers. As a result, universities, colleges and training institutions play a key role in developing a proficient workforce that can support a sustainable aquaculture and fisheries industry. Various training programs,such as exposure visits, orientation courses and refresher sessions, are being implemented to improve skills across different states in India, where numerous fisheries and polytechnic colleges have been established to aid this mission. This overview emphasizes the importance of education in fostering the skills necessary for sustainable development in aquaculture.

How to cite

Biswal, T., Pawar, S., Chauhan, S., 2024. Education and training: Building capacity in aquaculture. In: Aquaculture Reimagined: Modern Approaches to Sustainable Fish Farming. (Eds.) Saini, V.P., Paul, T., Singh, A.K., Biswal, A. and Samanta, R. Biotica Publications, India. pp. 200-211. DOI: https://doi. org/10.54083/978-81-980121-3-5_16.