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ID 202408 New Dimensions in Molecular Entomology


About the Book

In the realm of entomology, the microscopic world holds immense potential for unraveling mysteries and revolutionizing our understanding of insect behavior, genetics, and resistance mechanisms. "New Dimensions in Molecular Entomology" delves into the forefront of scientific exploration, showcasing innovative approaches and groundbreaking discoveries that promise to reshape the landscape of insect research. It will serve as a gateway to the cutting-edge methodologies driving the field forward. From CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing to single-cell sequencing technologies, researchers are equipped with powerful tools to dissect the molecular intricacies of insect biology. The humble fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, emerges as a cornerstone of molecular entomology research. Beyond its role in classical genetics, modern advancements have elevated Drosophila to a premier model for studying neurobiology, behavior, and evolutionary genomics. Insects wield remarkable abilities to develop resistance to chemical interventions, posing significant challenges to pest management strategies. Here, we explore the molecular mechanisms driving resistance evolution in key pest species. From target-site mutations to detoxification enzymes, understanding the genetic basis of resistance empowers researchers to devise more sustainable and effective control measures. "New Dimensions in Molecular Entomology" encapsulates the spirit of scientific inquiry and innovation driving the field forward. As we venture deeper into the molecular realm, the boundaries of our understanding continue to expand, offering new vistas for exploration and discovery in the captivating world of insects.

We hope that students, scholars and professors interested in molecular entomology will find this book informative.


Chapter outlines but not limited to:

  1. DNA, Gene Structure and DNA Replication
  2. Transcription, Translation and Regulation of Eukaryotic DNA
  3. Nuclear and Extranuclear DNA in Insects
  4. Genetic Systems, Genome Evolution and Genetic Control of Embryonic Development in Insects
  5. Some Basic Tools: How to Isolate, Cut, Paste, Copy, Measure, Visualize and Clone DNA
  6. DNA Sequencing and the Evolution of the “-Omics”
  7. DNA Amplification by the Polymerase Chain Reaction
  8. Molecular Genetics of Insecticide Resistance
  9. Transposable-Element Vectors and Other Methods to Genetically Modify Drosophila and Other Insects
  10. CRISPR-Cas Genome Editing
  11. Sex Determination in Insects
  12. Molecular Genetics of Insect Behavior
  13. Molecular Systematics and the Evolution of Arthropods
  14. Insect Population Ecology and Molecular Genetics
  15. Genetic Modification of Pest and Beneficial Insects for Pest Management Programs
  16. Molecular Systematics and the Evolution of Arthropods
  17. Candidates for Genetic Engineering: Naturally Occurring Insecticidal Molecules
  18. Insect Control through Genetic Engineering
  19. Insect Viruses
  20. Molecular Methods for Insect Phylogenetics
  21. Drosophila melanogaster: Molecular Population Genetics, Regulation of Cellular Pattern Formation in the Compound Eye, Molecular Genetics of Sex Determination, Biological Rhythms
  22. Insect Meiosis and Sex Ratio Distortion
  23. Gene Transfer Techniques in Insects

**Any new chapter based on the author's preference or the subject domain may be proposed



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