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ID 202409 Biotechnological and Molecular Approaches in the Management of Biotic Stress in Plants

Open Access


This comprehensive exploration delves into the realm of biotechnology and molecular biology, showcasing innovative strategies aimed at bolstering plant resilience against pests, pathogens, and other biotic challenges. It offers a nuanced examination of advanced techniques and methodologies employed to mitigate the detrimental impacts of biotic stressors on plant species. From targeted genetic modifications to precision breeding techniques, this title illuminates the forefront of research and practical applications shaping the future of plant biotic stress management. The book will play a pivotal role in advancing knowledge, facilitating learning and fostering innovation in the fields of plant science, biotechnology and molecular biology, making it indispensable for researchers.

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Chapters outlines but not limited to:

Chapter 1: Harnessing Biotechnology for Pest Control
Innovative tools to combat agricultural pests.

Chapter 2: Transgenic Triumph: Crops with Built-In Defenses
Revolutionizing insect resistance through genetic transformation.

Chapter 3: Super Enemies: Enhancing Natural Predators
Boosting the effectiveness of natural pest controllers.

Chapter 4: Next-Gen Biopesticides: Genetic Enhancement
Transforming biopesticides for superior pest management.

Chapter 5: Marker-Assisted Marvels: Precision in Pest Resistance
Selecting the best through molecular markers.

Chapter 6: Decoding Genes: Sequencing and Function Analysis
Unveiling the secrets of plant-insect interactions.

Chapter 7: Pathways to Protection: Metabolic Insights
Understanding plant metabolism for better pest resistance.

Chapter 8: Switching Defenses: Inducible Resistance Mechanisms
Activating plant defenses on demand.

Chapter 9: Molecular Diagnosis: Identifying Pests and Allies
Precision tools for identifying insect pests and natural enemies.

Chapter 10: Crafting New Weapons: Developing Insecticides
Innovative molecules for modern pest control.

Chapter 11: Sterility Solutions: Dominant Repressible Lethal Systems
Genetic strategies to produce sterile insects.

Chapter 12: Fortifying Crops: Biotechnological Resistance Enhancement
Boosting plant resilience against pests.

Chapter 13: Resistant Roots: Phenotyping for Defense
Identifying and breeding resilient plants.

Chapter 14: Gene Silence: RNAi in Pest Management
Harnessing RNA interference for targeted pest control.

Chapter 15: Fruit Fly Genomics: Insights from Tephritid Research
Exploring the genetics and distribution of fruit flies.

Chapter 16: Gut Check: Molecular Detection of Bacteria
Unraveling the gut microbiome of insects.

Chapter 17: RNAi Revolution: Future of Pest Management
Current status and future directions in RNAi research.

Chapter 18: Vector Engineering: Crafting RNAi Tools
Designing effective RNAi vectors for pest control.

Chapter 19: RNAi Readiness: Deployment Strategies
Preparing for RNAi application in the field.

Chapter 20: Signal Spread: dsRNA/siRNA Uptake Mechanisms
Understanding the journey of RNA molecules in plants and insects.

Chapter 21: Bioremediation Brilliance: Cleansing Pesticides
Using microorganisms to detoxify the environment.

Chapter 22: Microbial Allies: Pathogens in Pest Control
Harnessing microorganisms for insect management.

Chapter 23: Nematode Knights: EPNs in Action
Entomopathogenic nematodes as pest warriors.

Chapter 24: Marker Magic: Tools in Entomological Research
Advances in molecular markers for insect studies.

Chapter 25: Cotton Chronicles: Transgenics in India
The story of genetically modified cotton in India.

Chapter 26: Fruit Crop Defense: Biotech Against Pests
Biotechnological strategies for fruit crop protection.

Chapter 27: Microbial Mastery: Managing Resistance
Tackling resistance to microbial control agents.

Chapter 28: Bt Breakthroughs: Overcoming Cross Resistance
Strategies to combat resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis.

Chapter 29: Bt Strategies: Managing Resistance in the Field
Approaches to sustain the effectiveness of Bt toxins.

Chapter 30: Mosquito Wars: Bacterial Insecticides
Battling mosquito populations with bacterial tools.

Chapter 31: Mite Management: Biological and Molecular Approaches
Innovative solutions for managing mite pests.

Chapter 32: Pest Profiles: Biosystematics and Characterization
Molecular techniques for pest identification and management.

Chapter 33: Honeybee Health: Precision Diagnostics
Molecular methods for diagnosing diseases and mites in honeybees.

Chapter 34: Sustainable Shield: Biointensive Pest Management
Integrating biological controls for sustainable agriculture.

Chapter 35: Host Plant Heroes: Natural Resistance
Breeding plants with inherent pest resistance.

Chapter 36: Insecticide Insights: Molecular Resistance
Understanding the genetics behind insecticide resistance.

Chapter 37: Primed for Defense: Induced Resistance
Harnessing priming techniques for stronger plant defenses.

Chapter 38: Transgenic Triumphs: Insect-Resistant Plants
Advances in transgenic technology for pest control.

Chapter 39: Stress Shield: Molecular Approaches
Molecular strategies to manage plant stress.

Chapter 40: RNAi Tech: Cutting-Edge Pest Control
Exploring RNA interference for innovative pest management.

Chapter 41: Protease Protection: Inhibitors in Defense
Using proteinase inhibitors to protect plants.

Chapter 42: Hormone Hijinks: Analogues and Inhibitors
Manipulating insect hormones for pest control.

Chapter 43: Plant Defenders: Phyto-Antifeedants
Natural compounds deterring insect pests.

Chapter 44: Chemical Communication: Chemoecology
Understanding plant-insect chemical interactions.

Chapter 45: Bioinformatics Brilliance: Data-Driven Decisions
Leveraging bioinformatics for pest management.

Chapter 46: Nano Innovations: Tiny Tools for Big Problems
Nanotechnology in the fight against pests.

Chapter 47: Ethical Excellence: Safety in Biotech
Balancing innovation with ethical considerations.


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