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ID 202407 Integrated Pest Management: Advancement, Adoption and Ecological Challenges


About the Book

This book offers a comprehensive assessment of the strategies utilized in ecologically-based pest management, delivering a well-rounded examination of methods that prioritize environmental safety and ecological integrity. It delves into various subjects, including the employment of biological control mechanisms involving fungi and viruses, the preservation of natural predator populations, the application of botanical solutions and the correlation between efficient pest management and the advancement of food security. Positioned within the broader realms of agriculture, sustainability and environmental preservation, this publication presents a diverse and globally-informed viewpoint on integrated pest management. Its insights are valuable not only to researchers specializing in entomology, crop protection, environmental sciences and pest management, but also to those with multidisciplinary interests.


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Chief Editor

Dr. Mukesh Sehgal,

Principal Scientist,



Chapters outlines but not limited to:

Part I: Introduction and Overview

Chapter 1: Introduction to Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Historical Perspective and Current Trends

Chapter 2: Principles and Components of IPM

Chapter 3: Integrated Pest Management for Sustainable Agriculture

Chapter 4: Emerging issues in Integrated Pest Management Implementation and Adoption

Part II: Molecular Approaches in IPM

Chapter 5: Genomics and Pest Resistance: Applications of CRISPR-Cas9

Chapter 6: RNA Interference (RNAi) Technology in Pest Management

Chapter 7: Proteomics and Metabolomics in Insect Pest Management

Chapter 8: Molecular Diagnostics for Early Detection of Pest Infestations

Chapter 9: Transcriptomics for Understanding Pest-Host Interactions

Part III: Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Chapter 10: Precision Agriculture: ICT Tools in Pest Monitoring

Chapter 11: Big Data Analytics for Predictive Pest Modelling

Chapter 12: Mobile Applications and Decision Support Systems for Farmers

Chapter 13: Remote Sensing and GIS in Pest Management

Chapter 14: IoT-Based Smart Traps and Sensors for Pest Surveillance

Part IV: Nanotechnology in IPM

Chapter 15: Nanopesticides: Formulation and Delivery Mechanisms

Chapter 16: Nanotechnology for Targeted Pest Control

Chapter 17: Environmental and Safety Aspects of Nanomaterials in Agriculture

Chapter 18: Nano-encapsulation of Biological Control Agents

Part V: Genome Editing and Genetic Control

Chapter 19: Gene Drive Technologies for Pest Population Management

Chapter 20: Synthetic Biology and Insect Pest Management

Chapter 21: Transgenic Crops: Current Status and Future Prospects

Chapter 22: Epigenetics and Pest Resistance Management

Part VI: Host Plant Resistance

Chapter 23: Breeding for Pest Resistance in Crops

Chapter 24: Biotechnological Approaches to Enhance Plant Defense Mechanisms

Chapter 25: Plant-Insect Interaction and Resistance Mechanisms

Chapter 26: Marker-Assisted Selection for Pest Resistance

Part VII: Biological and Microbial Control

Chapter 27: Advancements in Biological Control: Beneficial Insects and Predators

Chapter 28: Endophytes and Their Role in Pest Management

Chapter 29: Parasitoids in Integrated Pest Management

Chapter 30: Augmentation and conservation of natural enemies

Chapter 31: Microbial Interactions and Synergistic Effects in Pest Control

Chapter 32: Virus- and bacteria-transmitting arthropod vectors and their management

Part VIII: Botanicals and Non-Pesticidal Management

Chapter 33: Botanicals in IPM: Efficacy and Mechanisms

Chapter 34: Applications of Plant Extracts in Pest Control

Chapter 35: Biopesticides: Botanical Extracts and Their Applications

Chapter 36: Non-Pesticidal Management Techniques in Agriculture

Part IX: Entomopathogenic Nematodes

Chapter 37: Entomopathogenic Nematodes: Biology and Applications

Chapter 38: Entomopathogenic Fungi and Bacteria in Pest Management

Part X: Chemical Control and Safety

Chapter 39: Novel Insecticides: Development and Mechanisms of Action

Chapter 40: Pesticide Resistance Management Strategies

Chapter 41: Safe Use of Chemical Controls in IPM

Chapter 42: Economic and Ecological Externalities of Pesticide Use

Chapter 43: Effect of pesticides on non-target sites with reference to soil ecosystems

Part XI: Ecological and Social Challenges

Chapter 44: Ecological Impact of IPM Practices

Chapter 45: Socioeconomic Factors Affecting IPM Adoption

Chapter 46: Policy and Regulatory Frameworks in Pest Management

Chapter 47: Sustainable IPM: Balancing Productivity and Environmental Health

Chapter 48: Advances in Crop Protection Practices for the Environmental Sustainability of Cropping Systems

Part XII: Case Studies and Future Directions

Chapter 49: Case Studies: Successful IPM Programs Worldwide

Chapter 50: Future Directions in Integrated Pest Management Research

Chapter 51: Interdisciplinary Approaches and Collaboration in IPM

**Any new chapter based on the author's preference or the subject domain may be proposed to include

**Highlighted chapters are booked


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