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ID 202414 Aquaculture Reimagined: Modern Approaches to Sustainable Fish Farming

V. P. Saini, Tapas Paul, Ashutosh Kumar Singh, Abhilipsa Biswal, Rupam Samanta

About the Book

The book is a comprehensive exploration of contemporary strategies and innovations aimed at revolutionizing the aquaculture industry with a focus on environmental and economic sustainability. This book delves into cutting-edge practices such as alternative protein sources, including black soldier fly larvae, and waste conversion technologies for sustainable feed management. It covers the use of prebiotics, Aloe vera, and plant extracts to enhance fish health and growth, alongside regional insights into diverse aquaculture practices. The text also investigates microbial-based systems, the application of ferulic acid, and the substitution of fish oil with palm oil. Addressing critical aspects of water quality management, climate-smart practices, and the economic and environmental impacts of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA), the book highlights genetic improvements, biotechnology, and community-based approaches to sustainable practices. Through detailed case studies and real-world applications, it provides valuable insights into the successful implementation of innovative techniques. The objective of this book is to bridge the gap between traditional aquaculture and modern sustainable approaches, equipping researchers, practitioners and policymakers with the knowledge and tools needed to enhance fish farming operations. For scholars, it serves as an essential reference, offering in-depth analysis, comprehensive coverage of recent advancements, and practical applications that support the development of innovative solutions for the future of the aquaculture industry.

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Chapter Outlines but not Limited to

Chapter 1: Sustainable Aquaculture: A New Horizon

  • Overview of Aquaculture Practices: Pioneering Methods for a Sustainable Future
  • The Imperative of Sustainability in Fish Farming: Balancing Ecology and Economy

Chapter 2: Smart Nutrition: Feeding the Future of Aquaculture

  • Principles of Fish Nutrition: Science Meets Sustainability
  • Innovative Feed Formulation: Strategies for Optimal Growth and Health

Chapter 3: Global Fish Nutrition: Regional Insights and Innovations

  • Addressing Regional Challenges: Tailored Solutions for Diverse Environments
  • Harnessing Indigenous Ingredients: Local Feed Innovations for Global Impact

Chapter 4: Optimized Feeding Strategies: Tilapia and Catfish Case Studies

  • Feed Restriction Techniques: Enhancing Efficiency and Sustainability
  • Real-World Success: Case Studies in Tilapia and Catfish Culture

Chapter 5: Black Soldier Fly Larvae: The Superfood for Sustainable Aquaculture

  • Nutritional Goldmine: Exploring the Potential of Black Soldier Fly Larvae
  • Commercial Adoption: Transforming Insect Protein into Mainstream Fish Feed

Chapter 6: Waste to Feed: Turning Trash into Treasure

  • Innovative Waste Conversion: Organic Waste as a Sustainable Feed Source
  • Environmental and Economic Benefits: The Dual Advantage of Waste Conversion

Chapter 7: Prebiotics in Aquafeed: Enhancing Health and Growth

  • Functional Ingredients: The Science of Prebiotics in Aquaculture
  • Future Trends: Advancements in Prebiotic Research and Application

Chapter 8: Aloe Vera in Aquafeed: Nature’s Miracle for Fish Health

  • Nutritional and Medicinal Benefits: Aloe Vera as a Game-Changer
  • Practical Applications: Integrating Aloe Vera into Aquafeed

Chapter 9: Plant Extracts for Reproductive Control: A Green Innovation

  • Eco-Friendly Reproduction Management: Harnessing Plant Extracts
  • Practical Applications: Successful Case Studies in Tilapia

Chapter 10: Papaya Power: Growth Promotion and Sex Reversal

  • Biological Benefits of Papaya Extracts: Natural Solutions for Aquaculture
  • Innovative Applications: Promoting Growth and Controlling Sex Ratios

Chapter 11: Microbial and Single-Cell Ingredients: The Future of Fish Feed

  • Sustainable Alternatives: Exploring Microbial and Single-Cell Proteins
  • Challenges and Benefits: Integrating New Ingredients into Aquafeed

Chapter 12: Ferulic Acid: Enhancing Growth and Immunity

  • Properties of Ferulic Acid: A Comprehensive Review
  • Boosting Health: The Impact on Fish Growth and Immune Response

Chapter 13: Palm Oil as Fish Oil Replacement: A Sustainable Switch

  • Nutritional Comparison: Palm Oil vs. Fish Oil
  • Economic and Environmental Considerations: Making the Switch

Chapter 14: Jatropha curcas: Boosting Growth and Health in Fish

  • The Impact of Jatropha curcas: Exploring its Benefits
  • Practical Applications: Enhancing Fish Health and Production

Chapter 15: Aquatic Plants: Natural Remediators of Aquaculture Wastewater

  • Harnessing Aquatic Plants: Sustainable Waste Management
  • Implementation Strategies: Effective Use of Aquatic Plants

Chapter 16: Water Quality Management: The Pillar of Sustainable Aquaculture

  • Techniques for Optimal Water Quality: Ensuring Fish Health and Productivity
  • Impact on Production: Maintaining Excellence in Aquaculture

Chapter 17: Nutrient Budgeting in Cage Fish Culture: Toward Sustainability

  • Understanding Nutrient Flow: Developing Sustainable Models
  • Case Study: Sustainable Development of Nile Tilapia Culture

Chapter 18: Innovations in Aquaculture Development: Past, Present, Future

  • Historical Insights: Learning from the Past
  • Technological Advancements: Shaping the Future of Aquaculture

Chapter 19: Aquaponics: Integrating Systems for Sustainable Production

  • Principles of Aquaponics: Combining Aquaculture and Hydroponics
  • Promising Developments: Overcoming Challenges for Greater Adoption

Chapter 20: Water Quality Management: Precision and Practice

  • The Importance of Water Quality: Critical Factors for Success
  • Monitoring and Management Techniques: Ensuring Optimal Conditions

Chapter 21: Integrated Aquaculture: Maximizing Productivity

  • Concepts and Benefits: The Synergy of Integrated Systems
  • Case Studies: Real-World Applications and Success Stories

Chapter 22: Fish and Poultry Integration: A Symbiotic Approach

  • Synergistic Farming: Combining Fish and Poultry for Mutual Benefit
  • Practical Strategies: Implementing Integrated Farming Systems

Chapter 23: Climate SMART Aquaculture: Best Practices and Innovations

  • Adapting to Climate Change: Strategies for Resilience
  • Best Practices: Mitigation and Adaptation in Aquaculture

Chapter 24: Small-Scale Aquaculture: A Path to Nutritional Security

  • Household Nutrition: The Role of Small-Scale Aquaculture
  • Implementation Strategies: Ensuring Success and Sustainability

Chapter 25: Parasite Management: Safeguarding Aquaculture Health

  • Identifying Common Parasites: Impacts and Threats
  • Control and Prevention: Effective Strategies for Parasite Management

Chapter 26: Pre- and Post-Harvest Handling: Ensuring Fish Welfare

  • Optimizing Handling Practices: From Harvest to Market
  • Impact on Quality: Maintaining Fish Welfare and Product Quality

Chapter 27: Alternative Anaesthetics: Innovations in Aquaculture Research

  • Exploring New Anaesthetics: Benefits and Applications
  • Research and Practice: Ensuring Fish Welfare in Research

Chapter 28: Integrated Farming Systems: The Role of Aquaculture

  • Aquaculture’s Contribution: Enhancing Integrated Farming
  • Recent Research: Innovations and Developments

Chapter 29: Genetic Improvements: Breeding for Better Aquaculture

  • Selective Breeding and Genetic Modification: Techniques and Benefits
  • Enhancing Productivity: Sustainable Genetic Improvements

Chapter 30: Biotechnology in Aquaculture: Unlocking Potential

  • Genetic Engineering: Tools and Techniques
  • Future Prospects: The Role of Biotechnology in Aquaculture

Chapter 31: Climate-Resilient Aquaculture: Strategies and Solutions

  • Building Resilience: Strategies for Sustainable Aquaculture
  • Case Studies: Adapting to Climate Challenges

Chapter 32: Environmental Impact Assessments: Ensuring Sustainability

  • Evaluating Impacts: Methods and Approaches
  • Mitigation Strategies: Reducing Environmental Footprints

Chapter 33: The Economics of Sustainable Aquaculture: A Financial Perspective

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Evaluating Financial Viability
  • Ensuring Economic Sustainability: Practical Insights

Chapter 34: Policy and Regulation: Shaping Sustainable Practices

  • Policy Frameworks: Understanding Regulations in Aquaculture
  • Impact on Practices: Promoting Sustainable Development

Chapter 35: Community-Based Aquaculture: Empowering Local Communities

  • Role of Communities: Driving Sustainable Aquaculture
  • Success Stories: Overcoming Challenges Together

Chapter 36: Technological Innovations: Revolutionizing Aquaculture

  • Cutting-Edge Advancements: Equipment and Systems
  • Future Trends: The Next Wave of Technological Innovations

Chapter 37: Aquaculture’s Role in Global Food Security

  • Addressing Food Security: Aquaculture’s Contribution
  • Challenges and Opportunities: A Global Perspective

Chapter 38: Marketing and Supply Chain: Navigating the Aquaculture Market

  • Effective Marketing Strategies: Reaching New Markets
  • Supply Chain Solutions: Overcoming Challenges

Chapter 39: Health Management: Ensuring Sustainable Aquaculture

  • Common Health Issues: Identification and Management
  • Preventive Measures: Strategies for Maintaining Fish Health

Chapter 40: Women in Aquaculture: Driving Change and Empowerment

  • Exploring Gender Dynamics: The Role of Women
  • Empowerment and Participation: Success Stories

Chapter 41: Education and Training: Building Capacity in Aquaculture

  • The Importance of Education: Enhancing Knowledge and Skills
  • Effective Training Programs: Building a Sustainable Future

Chapter 42: Innovations in Feed Technology: Advancing Sustainability

  • Feed Formulation and Production: Cutting-Edge Developments
  • Impacts on Sustainability: Improving Efficiency

Chapter 43: Marine Aquaculture: Sustainable Practices and Solutions

  • Challenges in Marine Environments: Addressing Specific Needs
  • Case Studies: Sustainable Marine Aquaculture Practices

Chapter 44: Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture: A Holistic Approach

  • Principles of IMTA: Synergistic Farming Systems
  • Success Stories: Implementing IMTA for Sustainability

Chapter 45: NGOs in Aquaculture: Promoting Sustainable Practices

  • The Role of NGOs: Driving Change and Innovation
  • Case Studies: Successful NGO Initiatives

Chapter 46: Water Resource Management: Conservation in Aquaculture

  • Sustainable Use of Water Resources: Critical Techniques
  • Conservation Strategies: Ensuring Water Availability

Chapter 47: Adapting to Climate Change: Strategies for Aquaculture

  • Impact of Climate Change: Challenges and Risks
  • Adaptation Strategies: Building Resilient Systems

Chapter 48: Innovations in Disease Control: Modern Approaches

  • New Methods and Technologies: Enhancing Disease Management
  • Real-World Applications: Success Stories and Lessons Learned

Chapter 49: Economic Analysis: Sustainable Practices for Financial Viability

  • Financial Evaluations: Ensuring Economic Sustainability
  • Case Studies: Economic Models for Success

Chapter 50: Future Horizons: Emerging Trends in Sustainable Aquaculture

  • The Next Frontier: Innovations Shaping Aquaculture
  • Vision for the Future: Sustainable Practices for Long-Term Success

Newly Proposed & Booked Chapters

  1. Probiotics and symbiotic application in aquaculture
  2. Common bacterial diseases in aquaculture
  3. Advanced Technologies for Effluent Water Treatment in Aquaculture: Advancing Environmental Sustainability and Pollution Mitigation
  4. Pollution from Anthropogenic Sources: Challenges for Sustainable Aquaculture in Aquatic Ecosystems
  5. Utilisation of Potential Marine Bioactive Compounds as Nutraceuticals towards sustainable aquaculture


**Note: Chapter title may be modified or new chapter may also be proposed by the author.

*** Highlighted chapters are booked


Chief Editor

Dr. V. P. Saini


College of Fisheries, Kishanganj

Bihar Animal Sciences University


Associate Editors


Mr. Tapas Paul

Assistant Professor

Department of Aquatic Environment Management

College of Fisheries, Kishanganj

Bihar Animal Sciences University

E-Mail: [email protected]

Mobile: 7506901366


Mr. Ashutosh Kumar Singh

Assistant Professor

Department of Aquatic Environment Management

College of Fisheries, Kishanganj

Bihar Animal Sciences University


Ms. Abhilipsa Biswal

Subject Matter Specialist (Animal Science-Fisheries)

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Lada

Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University

Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar


Dr. Rupam Samanta

Assistant Professor

Department of Fisheries Resource Management

College of Fisheries, Kishanganj

Bihar Animal Sciences University



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